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How to Hide Weed Smell

Updated: Oct 3, 2023

Why You Would Want to Mitigate Cannabis Smells

There are numerous reasons why one might want to reduce the smell of marijuana. For instance, it might be uncomfortable to enter a social setting where the scent of weed is unwelcome, such as at work, family gatherings, or public venues. Additionally, some individuals may not wish for their living space or car to constantly smell of marijuana.

Ways to Mitigate smells for various kinds of cannabis smoking

There are numerous methods for smoking cannabis, such as rolling it in paper or blunts or using a carved-out apple. Each technique has its subtleties for controlling the odor produced, but many of these approaches can be combined for improved results.

Joints and Blunts

It can be challenging to eliminate the smell caused by continuously burning materials, and the scent may linger on your hands. To help reduce the smell indoors, try blowing the smoke out of the top end of the window. However, the smell may still linger, so using incense or candles can be helpful, especially if you direct a fan towards the upper end of the window. Another classic solution is to smoke outside, away from the area of caution. Just remember to change your shirt or hoodie and wash your hands to eliminate the smell.

Bowls of any Kind Excluding Bongs

When trying to control the smell of smoke, using a bowl is more effective than the joint when using the window method. To further minimize the smell, you can use a spoof. A spoof is a device that allows you to blow smoke into it from one end, while clean air comes out the other. A simple way to make a spoof is by stuffing dryer sheets into a paper towel roll until you achieve the desired level of scent control. When using a bowl, only light half of it and cover the bowl with a cap to extinguish the burning material. Make sure to keep the smoke inside the bowl while taking a hit, and then blow the smoke through your sploof. With practice, you can become more skilled at hiding the smell.


We recommend using the spoof method when using a bong, with a slight variation in how you load up the hit. Only use the "snapping" method or use the amount that can be smoked in one hit. This leaves only ash in the bowl and smoke in the bong chambers and your lungs. If you're not worried about the smell, use the window method. But if you are, the sploof method is more effective, although you may need to practice holding in the hit longer.

Chillums and One-Hitters

These follow the same idea as a bong but do not have any water chambers. It is designed to provide only one hit, making it simple to inhale all the smoke and blow it into a spoof for complete smell reduction. With enough practice, it becomes effortless to use and can even allow for discreet smoking sessions in places like restaurant bathrooms.


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